A Letter To My 16 yo Self

Hey girl,

I just wanted to remind you that I love you and know you were doing your best with the knowledge you had at the time.

We have been through a lot, you and I. It has shaped us, seasoned us, and made us stronger and more empathetic. You wouldn’t believe the relationship we have with mom now. It’s not like the movies you are watching and wishing it could be like- but it is our own. We can talk to her about most things in life, we actually have firm boundaries with her that allow us to maintain the relationship. She doesn’t approve of all of our choices, but she listens and realizes that we just need support. We learned to have realistic expectations of relationships; where love can exist with frustration. 

We had a few love-story type of relationships, and each one showed us more about ourselves. Don’t let fear be the reason you avoid what you desire. The courage to make those decisions is where we get stronger. The girls from school will change, and it isn’t the end of the world. They move away, chase their dreams and become beautiful people even if we don’t talk all of the time. We don’t rely on daily talks or hang outs to determine how strong relationships are. The connections we cherish now are based on the respect and support reciprocated through the most difficult times. 

You are going to be an evolving human being, never the same as the day before, finding peace in being alone, seeing the beauty in a simple conversation with a stranger, and accepting that life is a constant ebb and flow. 

Your weight is going to change by the hour, because you have a living, functioning body. Work out to clear the mind, sleep when you’re exhausted, eat when you’re hungry- the world is a crazy place; people are always searching for the next and best but you ARE the best. Begin the day with asking yourself what you need, listen to what your body says, have compassion for the answer and provide a safe home for yourself within yourself. No one can take that away. Wear that dress we loved, play in the mud, dance in the rain and be YOU. It got us to amazing places.

I love you, you are valuable, you are safe, and you matter to me. To us. 

Sometimes, that 16-year-old girl inside us needs validation and love. She has been carrying resentment and emotions inside for a while now. Do you need to check in with her? Build some trust?

Click below to book a call with a therapist and give her some TLC!


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